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Indian Ocean

  1. Indian Ocean [Other Entities] location is Indian Ocean [SourceCIAW]
  2. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Aden, Gulf of [SourceCIAC]
  3. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Andaman Sea [SourceCIAC]
  4. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Aqaba, Gulf of [SourceCIAC]
  5. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Arabian Sea [SourceCIAC]
  6. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Bab el Mandeb [SourceCIAC]
  7. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Bali Sea [SourceCIAC]
  8. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Bengal, Bay of [SourceCIAC]
  9. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Great Australian Bight [SourceCIAC]
  10. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Great Channel [SourceCIAC]
  11. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Gubal, Strait of [SourceCIAC]
  12. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Hormuz, Strait of [SourceCIAC]
  13. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Laccadive Sea [SourceCIAC]
  14. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Lombok Strait [SourceCIAC]
  15. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Malacca, Strait of [SourceCIAC]
  16. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Mannar, Gulf of [SourceCIAC]
  17. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Mozambique Channel [SourceCIAC]
  18. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Oman, Gulf of [SourceCIAC]
  19. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Palk Strait [SourceCIAC]
  20. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Persian Gulf [SourceCIAC]
  21. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Red Sea [SourceCIAC]
  22. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Suez, Gulf of [SourceCIAC]
  23. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Sunda Strait [SourceCIAC]
  24. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: cross-reference from Tiran, Strait of [SourceCIAC]
  25. Indian Ocean [Other Entities]: is dependent upon (Does Not Exist); location is Indian Ocean; abbreviation is (UNK); long form name is (Not Applicable); ISO-3166 2-letter code is (N/A); ISO-3166 3-letter code is (N/A); ISO-3166 number is (N/A); international telephone access code is (UNK) [SourceCIAW]

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