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White Pine

  1. White Pine, Michigan, United States [Populated Place] is in Ontonagon County; location is 46°45'14"N 89°35'2"W [SourceGSP]
  2. White Pine, Michigan, United States Postal Service Zip Code is 49971 [SourcePSZ]
  3. White Pine, Montana, United States [Place] is in Sanders County; location is 47°44'37"N 115°28'53"W; elevation is 2,582 feet; was named in year 1964 [SourceGSP]
  4. White Pine, Nevada, United States [County] includes Adverse, Baker, Baltimore Mill, Belmont Mill, Black Horse, Calumet, Cherry Creek, Douglas, East Ely, Eberhardt, Ely [Populated], Glenn, Greens, Hamilton, Hogum, Keystone, Keystone Junction, Kimberly, Kogan Place, Lane, Lane City, Lavon, Lund, Majors Place, McGill [Populated], McGill Junction, Minerva, Mosier, Osceola, Preston, Riepetown, Ruppes Place, Ruth, Shermantown, Steptoe, Steptoe, Tippett, Warm Springs, Willow Grove [SourceGSP]
  5. White Pine, Nevada, United States [County]; population was 9,264 in 1990; housing units was 3,982 in 1990; location is 39°26'N 114°54'W; land area is 8,876.61 square miles (5,681,031 acres); water area is 20.60 square miles (13,181 acres); FIPS code is 33 [SourceCBP]
  6. White Pine, Pennsylvania, United States [Place] is in Lycoming County; location is 41°24'46"N 77°13'20"W [SourceGSP]
  7. White Pine, Tennessee, United States [Populated Place] is in Jefferson County; location is 36°6'27"N 83°17'13"W; elevation is 1,140 feet; was named in year 1895 [SourceGSP]
  8. White Pine, Tennessee, United States [Town]; population was 1,771 in 1990; housing units was 768 in 1990; location is 36°6'N 83°18'W; land area is 1.87 square miles (1,197 acres); FIPS code is 80360 [SourceCBP]
  9. White Pine, Tennessee, United States Postal Service Zip Code is 37890 [SourcePSZ]
  10. White Pine, West Virginia, United States [Place] is in Calhoun County; location is 38°56'48"N 81°1'46"W; elevation is 772 feet [SourceGSP]

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